Next-Level Wakesurfing – Wakesurf Shapers

Nautique Athlete and Wakesurfing Phenom – Drew Daniello

As many of you have probably noticed by now, wakesurfing is hot and everyone is into it.  You are, your main squeeze is, heck…even grandma might take a set if you ask her to come out next time!

With wakesurfing’s spike in popularity, a whole new segment has come to market to help you, the rider, create the best surf wave possible for your boat.  Many newer boats feature specific systems for better surfing wakes.  It’s crazy.  But, what do you do if you aren’t in the market for a new boat with one of these systems?  Fear not…we got you covered.

I know you already read our last ballast blog…and probably already have your wakeboarding ballast game on lock, but how is your ballast game as it relates to wakesurfing?  Do you feel like your wave is still missing amplitude and you can’t figure out how to get that?  Are you still having trouble cleaning up the face of your boat’s wave after exhausting adding or re-positioning additional ballast?  Is there one more little tweak to get the most out of your wave for surfing, and you just can’t put your finger on it?  It’s probably time to try a “Wakesurf Shaper” in conjunction with your aftermarket ballast configuration to unlock the perfect endless wave. Read More >

Ballast Bags – More Weight, Bigger Wakes!

It’s officially spring (as of yesterday), so it’s time to get things in order for an epic 2017 season.  Go grab your ball hitch, back the truck up, and get the boat headed to the lake!  On your way down to the boat ramp, one thing to consider this year is how can you take your riding to the next level.  How about ballast?

We’re pretty sure that nine times out of ten, you automatically think about the gear you are riding – a new wakeboard, different bindings, a heavier wakeskate, a whole new surf shape, etc.  But, what about that big beauty you just dropped into the lake; YOUR BOAT!?
Makes sense right?!  More weight = bigger wakes!

Boat launch
Bombs away!

If you don’t have a ballast system that is factory installed and plumbed into your boat where everything is filled/drained by the flip of a switch, don’t fret.  You can still manually fill/drain sacs you have placed throughout your boat to achieve the best wake possible for your ride. Read More >

The Eight.3 Wakesurf Shaper is HERE!

Things Are Shaping Up!

Okay, you and the crew just had an epic morning session and now the water bugs (tubers) are chopping the water up…time to take a break while the “Chop Monster” is in full effect or maybe pull out the surfers till things die down.

By this point, we all have most likely used ballast bags to help perfect our boat’s wake while we Wakeboard.  You position your ballast bags, buddies, pets, significant other (be careful when asking here…haha) around the boat to get the most out of your wake.  Ever wish you could do the same thing when you surfed?

For me, the biggest drawback of surfing was having to re-weight the boat…move things around…just to go 10-12mph.  Only hoping that everyone surfed on the same side of the boat too.  I’m Goofy Footed so I usually had to surf backside on the right wave.  You pick and choose your battles to save on riding time.  Well, Eight.3 came out with a product that is going to change the way you think about surfing. Read More >

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